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Category: Digital First Omnichannel

170 blogs
4 Important Roles the Best Cloud Call Center Software Plays in the Customer Journey

4 Important Roles the Best Cloud Call Center Software Plays in the Customer Journey

Contact centers are a critical touchpoint that can make or break a customer journey. Having the best cloud call center software can ensure this particular part of the journey is smooth sailing rather than rough seas. We explore the critical role contact centers play in customer journeys and how the best cloud call center software can ensure this particular touchpoint offers frictionless service.
Whats New in the 2020 Survey of Business Global CX Transformation

What’s New in the 2020 Survey of Business: Global CX Transformation

Major transformations in customer experience and the contact center are well underway and accelerating this year such that businesses risk increases for companies being left behind by more agile competitors. The results are in from the latest survey of global customer experience leaders in the 2020 NICE CX Transformation Benchmark, Business Wave. This year’s survey turned up key trends in digital transformation in customer service channels, self-service channels, artificial intelligence and social media.
Refresh Your Quality Monitoring Program with these 15 Best Practices

Refresh Your Quality Monitoring Program with these 15 Best Practices

In today's experience economy, quality is more important than ever. Consumers are much less tolerant of low quality customer service experiences. On the flip side, they'll reward exceptional customer experiences (CX) with more purchases and referrals. Under these circumstances, contact centers can't afford to have agents who are indifferent about or resentful of quality improvement efforts.
NICE inContact CX Transformation Benchmark 2020 How the Coronavirus Shaped Customer Expectations

NICE CX Transformation Benchmark 2020: How the Coronavirus Shaped Customer Expectations

The annual Consumer Wave of the NICE Customer Experience (CX) Transformation Benchmark Study dove deep into how the pandemic has shaped the way customers are interacting with contact centers. The study polled more than 2,500 individuals in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada during September 2020 – specifically consumers who had communicated with a company through a customer service experience in the last three months. Here are the three major subjects we explored in the consumer research and what they mean for the future of customer expectations.
Time for a New Engine 4 Ways Modern ACDs Are Driving Todays Contact Centers

Time for a New Engine? 4 Ways Modern ACDs Are Driving Today's Contact Centers

An ACD is essential contact center technology. Without an ACD, the operation would be in disarray, which is why it is indispensable for every contact center. However, ACD capabilities vary widely across vendors, meaning just because a call center uses an ACD doesn't mean they are reaping all the benefits that the best ACDs can provide. Learn the capabilities of industry-leading ACDs and how those capabilities positively impact operations and customer experience (CX).